Cardganize Logo

The professional way to buy & sell gift cards


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Automate your process. Reduce the time spent processing cards, calculating profit and loss, and mitigate fraud while doing so.  Using Cardganize can save you significant time and money by automating many of the steps involved in properly buying and selling gift cards.  Steps include:

  • Research Brand of Card
  • Build Customer Account
  • Research Customer History / Risk Assessment
  • Calculate Payout
  • Purchase Card
  • Complete Purchase Agreement
  • Record Transaction
  • Transfer Cards to Bulk Reseller
  • Verify Sale of Card
  • Calculate Profit & Loss / Analytics

With regulation add additional steps:

  • Purchase Agreements / Property Declarations
  • Thumb Print Collection
  • Permanent Record Keeping
  • Listing Transactions in Police Database

The automated vs. manual difference:

Method 10 Cards 20 Cards 45 Cards 70 Cards
Manual Management 1.58 hours 3.2 hours 6.4 hours 9.92 hours
Cardganize Managed 34 minutes 48 minutes 1.77 hours 2.74 hours
Difference 1 hour 2.4 hours 4.63 hours 7.18 hours
Labor Saved Per Day ($15/hr) $15 $36 $69 $107
Labor Saved Per Month ($15/hr) $390 $936 $1,805 $2,800
Cardganize Cost Per Month

$150 $152 $341 $531
Savings Per Year* 2880 $9,396 $17,568 $27,228
  Profit Increase 5.70% 9.40% 7.90% 7.90%


Managing 10 Cards Manually

 150 sec Verify that brand of gift card can be purchased
150 sec Verify the value of the gift card is under the max limit accepted
300 sec Look up customer history for any previous debts (spreadsheet)
600 sec Manual risk assessment; decide based on customer history if card brand/value is within acceptable parameters
600 sec Balance check card
300 sec Make a copy of customer ID and card being sold
300 sec Verify payout percentage and manually calculate payout with calculator
600 sec Enter card information on spreadsheet
600 sec Upload card manually to bulk reseller
1200 sec Enter transaction into police database
300 sec Record card as uploaded successfully
600 sec Verify payment of card, record as being sold
1200 sec Calculate percentage of profit or loss for card

Total Time:  1 hour and 55 minutes

Managing 10 Cards with Cardganize

50 sec  Verify that brand of gift card can be purchased
50 sec Verify the value of the gift card is under the max limit accepted
100 sec Look up customer history for any previous debts (spreadsheet)
150 sec Manual risk assessment; decide based on customer history if card brand/value is within acceptable parameters
600sec Balance check card
150 sec Record an image of card being sold
300 sec Record card information in Cardganize
0 sec Auto payout calculation
600 sec Upload card to bulk reseller
0 sec Enter transaction into police database
5 sec Record card as uploaded successfully
5 sec Verify payment of card, record as being sold
5 sec Calculate percentage of profit or loss for card
Total Time:  33 minutes and 35 seconds